Me and my David

Me and my David

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Wow I havnt been on here in a while... Not alot has been going on lately, I now have 3 letters from David and so far I dont think hes gottin any of mine :(. My mom told me that the days would be going by faster and easier, when it seems like the days are getting longer and harder. Its been 100 degrees for a straight week now and I hate it, Hopefully it will rain sometime soon! Yesterday I put on my facebook that it's to hot to come outside during the day but then at night you cant go outside without a ton of mosquito spray on! :( I'm ready to move out of Arkansas, but if I do then it will be with my boyfriend :). We have been thinking and talking about marriage and I really hope we do. I love him so much and people tell me that military life is better when your married! He comes home from AIT in December so who knows whats going to happen :P I miss him so much that everyday that goes by just makes me want to be with him more. The thing my mom tells me is that she wants me to go through school and get my schooling in, and I dont blame her I would want the same thing for my kids. But if David ends up going to Germany I dont want to be without him because theres no telling the next time I will see him! ugh so I dont know what to do...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Moms wearing boyfriends clothing!

This is so weird! Ok I was in the kitchen doing somthing and in walked mom, but she was wearing some familiar clothing.... It was Davids pajama pants and a shirt from his church. I was standing there looking at my mom and she was like "what are you looking at"? Then I was like "Your wearing Davids clothes"! I dont know why I think it's weird but I dont wanna see my mom wear my boyfriends clothing. So now I have to put his clothes in a bag so she cant get them :(.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Missing him.

Here lately it seems like Im all by myself in this world. My boyfriend has been gone for four days now, and I must say that its getting better as the days go by. Many people tell me "trust me it will get better" and at first there was no way I was going to believe them. The day David left it felt way worse then any breakup or death. It was like a part of me was gone. Today marks our ten month anniversary and your probebly thinking wow thats not very long...well to me it is. Things are starting to get better for example, now I can fold his clothes without tearing up, I can sleep in my bed again and etc... He called me a couple days ago letting me know that sometime next week I should get his mailing address. So whenever I get it I'll be able to give it to everybody. I wish he could call more, I understand that he's probebly busy and wont have time for calling. But I'm new to this 'bing married to the military' life so half the time I dont know whats going on. TaTa for now!

Monday, May 31, 2010

So true

1. You wear old sweatpants and sweatshirts to bed.

2. You can watch whatever you want on TV without arguing with him first

3. You get up in the middle of the night to check your e-mail.

4. You sleep with your cell phone incase he calls in the middle of the night.

5. You love watching cute love movies because it reminds you of all the cute things he does when he's home.

6. You haven't shaved your legs in weeks.

7. The mailman knows you because you are always out waiting for him to come.

8. You start paying close attention in class when the words "military" or "iraq" are mentioned.

9. You suddenly have an obsession with anything military related.

10. You see someone wearing an army, navy, or usmc shirt and you get this overwhelming urge to talk to them.

11. You make friends with strangers online just because they are in the same situation as you and are the only ones that can truly understand what you are going through.

12. You can't decide what to wear when you meet him at the airport because his flight comes in at a ridiculous hour in the morning and you want to look cute, but not too cute, because your cutest outfit you want to save for your first full day together.

13. Your first Christmas together is... apart.

14. You find yourself checking your e-mail every fifteen minutes.

15. You know all the time differences between where you are and Iraq, Ireland, Kuwait, Italy, Germany, Korea, and every state in the U.S.

16. The highlight of your day is getting a letter that was mailed a month ago.

17. And if you don't get a letter, the highlight of your day is writing him a letter that you know he will be able to read in a month.

18. You realize that HOMECOMING is so much more than a football game.

19. You want to hit any happy couple you see together

20. You get excited about "unknown" phone numbers calling you.

21. You've exhausted every idea a brain could have of what to put in a box.

22. You see a "support our troops" sticker on a car when you are stuck in traffic and you find yourself guessing about who they know that is deployed and thinking about their entire life story.

23. When the clock says 11:11, you find yourself wishing for the same thing every time: a call from your soldier.

24. You get excited when its only 5 months until you see your Soldier instead of 7!

25. You can't stand girls that talk about missing their boyfriends who live a few hours away. You just want to yell "drive and go see them them" because if you had the chance, you would jump on the first plane to go see your soldier no matter how far it is.

26. You don't know what teams are on top for football, basketball, etc.

27. You wouldn't dream of walking out of the house without the cell phone and every number you have is forwarded to that cell.

28. You find yourself randomly crying from just looking at a picture of the two of you together.

29. You find yourself randomly crying and you sometimes have no idea why.

30. You stay on the internet for hours searching for anything and everything about the military.

31. You talk to your friends about him so much that they know his full name, birthday and even his favorite color.

32. You find yourself speaking in acronyms (that no one other than you and he would understand).

33. You are reading this and smiling and nodding because you know it's so true

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am a military girlfriend. I hold no formal recognition with
the powers that be. I am at the bottom of the chain. I hold no
Military ID card, I am not a dependent or a parent. The man I
love may face unspeakable dangers, and I am at the mercy of those
who possess this recognition for news. I understand this and accept this.

I am a military girlfriend. I have promised to be here for him upon
his return, no matter how long he is away. People may say I am insane
for making such a commitment with no guarantees, but I hold onto our
promises and have faith that he will come home safe to me. I know full
well that my love for him fuels him in the worst of times.

I am a military girlfriend, there is no ring on my finger to symbolize
our commitment, though I love him no less for it. I hope every day that
he will be able call because a simple 30-second phone call can bring
the greatest spectrum of emotionssmiling with tears in my eyes from
so much joy and pain. My relationship is based on a brief
communication where I love you and Im okay speaks more than volumes
and gives me the strength to keep going.

I am a military girlfriend. I take no moment spent together for granted.
I hold onto every touch, caress, kiss, every word. I have memorized the
feel of his skin, his smell, the sound of his voice, and I play it over
and over in my mind so that I will not forget. I cry myself to sleep
some nights because missing him hurts so badly, but wake up the next
morning, brush myself off, and start a new day.

I am a military girlfriend. The events of the next several months hold
my life, my love, and my future in the balance. When you watch the
news reports, you may turn away and go about your business
relatively unaffected. When I watch news stories of the war I do
not see nameless soldiers a half a world away. I see individuals
who will be forever changed by war. News of every casualty causes
me physical pain and deep sadness.

I am a military girlfriend, not a spouse or family member. When you
say your prayers for the wives, mothers, and fathers, please don't
forget about me.

First Blog!

Wow my first blog, Id never thought Id have one until now. I decided to get a blog when I came across some by accident haha. Well I guess to start things off my boyfriend of almost ten months is leaving me for bootcamp in 5 days :( I have a military family so I guess you could say Im used to this military life but now that my boyfriend is leaving for awhile its like a whole new life to me and Im still trying to get used to the fact that he might be going to Afganistan... Ive done everything I can such as look up military wife benefits to talking with other military wives who have told me pretty much everything I need to know and how to be prepared. Well gotta go!